Hi Watch Collectors,
As promised, something for you to learn about replicas. In this case Rolex Replicas.
The Good - I meant characteristics of the replica is so close to the real one. In term of weight and exterior features. The technology is so good now that it is hard to tell the difference for the naked eyes. Only when inspecting the movements inside that everything is revealed. Even the good replicas has various price ranges, lower price for china movements and higher price for swiss movements.

They even come with sticker behind, Rolex crown, boxes and papers all sold separately. It is really unbelievable, that is one reason why I do not collect beyond 1965 watches.
The Bad - This is a bad copy of the late 1960s, on exterior, it looks like a genuine vintage rolex but minus the "Swiss Made" on the dial.
The behind has looks normal but the crown is worn out, so cannot determine the authencity and only on inspecting the movement inside, you can find dual movements of swiss roamer watches.

The Ugly - you can tell it is a fake on first sight. The weight is light, the finishes is unprofessional.
The crown is another tell tale sign and once again, the finishes behind is unprofessional.
I do not encourage people for buying fake, it is against any business and ethically is wrong. Why do you buy a genuine watch, you are supporting the business who will continue to research, design and deliver quality products. You feel good in wearing a genuine branded watch because ethically you know you are doing the right thing. It will be embarassing if someone spotted you wearing a fake or even suspecting you wearing a fake. You can resell a real piece and prices will even increase or pawn it if you are short of money. The best reason, you can past it to your next generation as treasure piece of heirloom. Hope you learn something today.