Hi Watch Collectors,
It is coming to the end of 2008 and 2009 is just around the corner. The year can change but not the time or the clock, it will still be 24 hours in one day. So you can always use your watch on any year.
I have just collected another piece of a restored piece of Vintage. Here are the pictures of the piece prior to restoration.

Wornout case, usual hairline crack on the porcelain dial, missing second hand at 6, missing crown and stem and not running.

The wornout case behind, in pretty bad shape

Missing stem and crown.
After Restoration................

The case is once again bright and shining. Second hand installed, a same era better condition procelain dial replaced the crack one. A unused rose crown and stem installed.

The behind case had been restored, unfortunately corrosion due to perspiration, that is the best condition we can achieve.

Once again you can see the rose crown, it is not common to see these crowns anymore. I love to buy an unworkable piece of watch and make it work again. The only problem with vintage watches is the difficulty in getting spare parts. The challenge to hunt for the spare parts makes collecting watches much more interesting. Hope you learn something today.